grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Friday, April 30, 2010

20-30APR10 - Kittitas & Everett, WA

Tuesday, 20APR, we finished our drive into Washington state; and as we have many times in the past we stopped in at Dan’s cousin Steve & Bonnie Kiesel place in Kittitas. See the below BLOG entry about our last visit. Gumbo immediately started running around with Boots & Mabel, checking out the barn, fields & rolling around in the road apples.

After setting up camp & catching up on what has happened since our last visit, we headed to the “The Tav” for a belated birthday dinner for Bonnie. Then it was back to the house for an exciting evening of Mexican Train Dominoes. We have discussed before that the written rules for this game are not the clearest, but Bonnie & Steve hadn’t even bothered to read the rules & depended on how they were “taught” the game by friends. It was interesting to say the least.

That evening the winds that this area of Washington is known for started to kick up. Although the wind was not as bad as what we experienced in New Mexico, we still pulled in our awnings & the slide.

Wednesday morning we woke up to strong & steady winds. Since Steve & Bonnie had an errand to run west of Snoqualmie Pass, we decide to go with them & visit the Snoqualmie Casino for a buffet lunch & some light gambling.
Thursday morning we got back on the road with the RV to find an RV park in the Seattle area. We are doing this so Corrie has a reasonable place to stay while Dan is doing a small job for NCBRT/LSU in Blackwood, NJ. Before Dan departed on 26APR, we drove out to our property in Sultan a couple of times to check on things. Everything looks ok, & we were able to get the well running, but could not get the tractor running.

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