The first stop was at an Escapees RV Park in Pecos, TX. If you have followed this BLOG you may remember that Escapees is a RV club we belong to, and that we at least once a year stop at the “world” HQs in Livingston, TX. Escapees has a few of there own parks and they are a good deal for members. We have stayed at Escapees parks in New Mexico, California & Oregon; and have always found them above average, if not excellent. We know Pecos is located in the dry, arid, flatlands of Texas; but this park left a little to be desired when compared to the other Escapees parks. After setting up camp we headed into Pecos for a little sightseeing. Unfortunately there is not much to say for Pecos (not even any eccentric roadside attractions), and most of the town is vacant and boarded up. By the way, it is pronounced peCAS, not peCOS, by the locals.
Thursday morning it was off to Roswell, NM, the site of one of the biggest government conspiracies of all time! Actually we had visited Roswell back in FEB05 in our first gas powered RV, before we started full timing in JUL07. At that time we stayed in a beautiful state park called Bottomless Lakes. During that earlier visit Dan visited the world famous International UFO Museum & Research Center, where he saw first hand the definitive proof that a UFO crashed in the New Mexico desert on about 08JUL47. During that visit Corrie suffered from terrible headaches, we believe caused by alien electromagnetic waves. This time we avoided this problem by wearing protective headgear made out of aluminum foil.
After lunch we headed into Roswell for some exploration. It is obvious that the city has taken whatever happened back in 1947 and made it the major point in attracting visitors to come a spend money. The UFO “theme” is everywhere – from street lights shaped like alien heads, parking reserved for UFOs, and many stores with half a flying saucer crashed into it. Even McDonalds has built a restaurant fashioned like a flying saucer, and the children’s play area has Ronald McDonald in a spacesuit! Dan did discover one remnant of the Aliens’ visit, an excellent brew called Alien Amber Ale. Unfortunately, the Aliens apparently hadn’t discovered twist top technology.
Good post. Hi to you guys from John & Laurie in Port Allen.
great to hear from you guys! hope you have found time to get out in the RV lately. plus it is always great to know people actually follow the BLOG. hope we can connect again when we return to LA in the fall. - corrie & dan
If you think the campground is not up to par, check out the one in Knoxville. Makes the one in Pecos seem like a resort.
Did you visit the town of Toyah? Those folks all packed up and moved to Pecos because of the better opportunities in Pecos :))
we didn't make it to Toyah, since we headed north on US 285 to Roswell, rather than west on I-20. after seeing the empty houses & stores in Pecos, wonder where they are moving to??? - corrie & dan
So which way are you head to get back to the NW.? We are going to be in Nampa 16,17,18 for a horsey expo and then heading to Joesph Ore. to camp out a couple of days.
haven't picked a route yet, we were leaning toward coming up thru CA? we can't leave El Paso until morning of 10APR. not sure we can make Nampa by the 18th, but may be able to make Joseph. we'll send you an e-mail with more info. - corrie & dan
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