grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Thursday, September 24, 2009

19SEP09 - Clear Lake, MB

It seems that the phenomenal good weather we enjoyed in the Seattle area followed us to Manitoba! After one of the wettest summers on record, we have enjoyed record warm days in the high 70s or low 80s. So after over two weeks of working, quad’ing and doing nothing, we decided to go to Ed & Elaine’s cabin at Clear Lake outside of Riding Mountain National Park, see our BLOG from two years ago about our last visit to the cabin & Park:

Sunday morning we took their pontoon boat into the Park and launched it into Clear Lake to just motor slowly about the lake doing nothing. We especially did no fishing to insure that we had no repeat of Corrie’s past criminal activity (see below BLOG link for more info):

Latter in the day we were joined by Ron & Lynne Curtis friends of Ed & Elaine’s who visited us for Mardi Gras 2007, along with Ed & Elaine. And when we visited Ed & Elaine in the summer 2007 Ron arranged a tour of Hutterite farms for Dan and we then BBQ’d at their place.

The rest of day was spent motoring very slowly about the lake while Ed BBQ’d snacks like sausages, and escargots! A great time was had by all and NO fish were caught or transported!

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