grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Monday, March 10, 2008

07FEB-07MAR08 - Houma, LA

Upon our return to the Houma Civic Center parking lot, we were reminded that we had missed Mardi Gras by a line of fifteen or so floats from the last parade in Houma. Some Krewes, but not all, own their own floats. Turns out these floats in the parking lot had been “rented” by one of the local Krewes, who did not own floats, and were waiting to be returned to their owner (only in Southern Louisiana?). After establishing camp, it was time to complete the last of our medical and dental appointments. Unfortunately, it seemed that every appointment resulted in another appointment and/or another round of testing. We won’t bore you with the details, but as usual Corrie got the worst of it.

Turns out being parked in the Civic Center parking lot was very similar to our stay at the Evergreen State Fair Grounds last SEP07, in Monroe, WA (see our archived BLOG). Lots of different events take place and each event brings a “different” crowd --- pick-up trucks and cowboy boots for bull riding & monster trucks; little girls in their Sunday best for “My Little Pony”; and Mom’s and daughters for the bridal show. One benefit to the parking lot, is that is right next door to the main library for Terrebonne Parish. This is four year old state of the art facility, that Dan likes to use when he needs high speed internet.

The majority of the rest our time was spent house hunting for a “starter” home for Rebecca and Raymond. After looking at a lot of dumps, we think we have found one that although forty years old, needs only a few repairs. Hopefully the bank and the insurance company agree. As parents we must be getting “more acceptable” to our children? We had quite few get togethers with Rebecca and Raymond (including Rebecca’s 25th birthday – further proof of how old we are getting!), and even had a very pleasant dinner with Joe. In fact, Raymond and Rebecca even invited us over for a crawfish boil with all their friends. We tactfully left at 9PM so as not to cramp anyone’s style. Unfortunately, Gumbo has no tolerance for Gracie the Weimaraner pup; he stakes out a spot on the couch and just growls and snarls every time she comes near.

The first week in March Dan once again departed on a LSU business trip, this time to McAllen, TX. This would have been an excellent little jaunt in the RV, but once again other “things” interfered. But since we have paid for our first RV Rally in Perry, GA; we will hit the road soon after Dan’s return from TX to make it to the Rally by the 12th of March.

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