grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Sunday, September 30, 2007

30SEP07 - Maryhill, WA

This morning we woke up to a steady rain; so it appears that our plan to beat the rain has failed. No matter, it is time for us to start heading south and our eventual return to southern Louisiana. This does not mean we are giving up full time RV’ing. Just that we need to get back to warmer weather and be in the area of the kids for the holidays. We do not have an exact route just yet but will head south through Oregon and then into Nevada. Dan also has a consulting job in LA California starting 16OCT, so we may even drive to the LA area.

Anyway Bonnie recommended that we drive down old US highway 97 to a Washington state park called Maryhill right on the banks of the Columbia River. Although rainy and overcast it was a scenic drive up and down over the Umtanum Ridge, Anthanum Ridge, Yakima Ridge, Toppenish Ridge, and Satus Pass. We lucked out at Maryhill State Park and got a RV spot right on the banks of the Columbia. In spite of the weather the view is great!

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