grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

23-28AUG07 - Minot, ND (fingers crossed)

We won’t bore with you with all the details (and we mean very boring), but after almost two weeks the truck repair facility has finished repairing all known damage to the RV. Tomorrow the last little thing should be repaired at local RV dealer.

The first week was spent in playing middle man between our after market warranty and repair facility. Warranty company insisted that everything would be done “their” way and only after “their” approval! Repair facility has a policy of not dealing with after market warranty companies at all! Talk about the proverbial rock and the hard place! After our dealing with the warranty company, we think that HMOs aren’t so bad after all. We won’t bother recounting the angry phone calls, the tears shed or the sense of helplessness we dealt with, the end result is that we met some of the warranty company’s conditions but had to pay the service facility out of pocket because our claim won’t be acted on any time soon (and we have no idea if warranty company is going to pay anything). Since we are talking big bucks here, there may not be any presents under the tree this Xmas or for the next few years.

While the RV was being repaired we resided in a small motel room. The room seemed to defy the laws of physics by getting smaller every day even though the walls did not move. Our routine consisted of Dan going to truck stop every morning to check on progress, take pictures and just hang around; meanwhile Corrie would stay at motel with Gumbo. Dan would return to motel for lunch and then return to truck facility at end of work day to check progress one last time. The hi-lite of the day was dinner when we would both get out of the motel room together. But even dinner was complicated because we had to take Gumbo with us and find a shaded spot to leave him in the toad. We would have left him in motel, but he has been known to tear things up when left in a strange location. The next day (and the next and the next) were a repeat of this routine.

Hopefully the next blog entry will be from back on the road!!!

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