grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

09-11JUL07 - Kerrville, TX

After what seems like four days of endless things to do, the last three have been basically doing nothing (or so it seems). Monday the “girls” took off for Fredericksburg for an expedition through the stores and boutiques since Fredericksburg is more tourist oriented (can you say tourist trap). Dan didn’t go but has been there several times and highly recommends the Admiral Nimitz Museum located in the hotel his family owned and operated, and the War in the Pacific Museum (including the outdoor exhibit area). Both museums are excellent and have many items not even in the national museums.

One spot that we always hit is Rustlin Robs in Fredericksburg a shop containing numerous dips, sauces, preserves, jams, jellies, etc, etc. Almost every item is available for sampling and we have been known to graze there for hours (just kidding). Corrie brought back Dan’s favorite – Chipolte Pretzel Dip, a fiery sweet paste that Dan spreads on everything.

We also spent more time at Tim and Sharon’s finishing up some projects there that allowed us to store the unsold second car until our return in the fall. Tuesday night was farewell dinner at the Café Riverstone. Great food, with a beautiful view of the Guadalupe River.

Dan and Corrie thought that they had only paid for seven nights which meant departure Wednesday morning, but the pass on the RV windshield said 12JUL, Thursday. So we lounged around the park pool Wednesday, only to come back to the RV and find a note asking – why we hadn’t left? End result was having to pay for another day. Oh well, at least it is good RV park to spend another day end, not a dump like a few we have been in. Tomorrow we start heading north on US 83 one of the longest North/South highways in the USA.

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