granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason

grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

01-31JAN24 - Sultan, WA (heavy ice & raymond deploys)

Happy New Year, ours start slightly on the wrong foot – twelve year old frig is making “noise”  Email and phone message left with local repair business (fingers crossed).  Turns out that Samsung frigs have different defrost modes that you can manually “force” to be run.  This info is not in the owners manual and you must surf the web to find out how to do it; AND all their control panels are different and you must know what two touch buttons to press at same time to start process.  Dan finally guesses/figures out the magic two buttons on our frig and runs a ‘forced defrost”.  Runs it four times and looks like problem solved?  Rest of day spent watching semifinals of college football.

Tuesday AM, 02JAN, is first of many physical therapy visits for Corrie.  Twice weekly sessions thru month to rehabilitate her shoulder from rotator cuff surgery.  Looks like Samsung frig is fixed (fingers crossed)?

Wednesday, 03JAN, whirlwind trip to Pitres in Silverdale and back to house; why?  Because tomorrow, 04JAN, is grandson Jaxson’s b-day.  And with soccer schedule, school, Corrie’s recovery from rotator cuff surgery, etc, etc, this is our celebration with Jaxson.  We pick him and brother Mason up at their house and off to Sportsman’s Warehouse to let Jaxson shop for fishing gear for his tackle box.  Then off to Chipotle (Jaxson’s choice) for b-day lunch; back to their house; and finally back to kingston ferry terminal and home.

Friday, 05JAN, Corrie has girls day out with Jan Formisano.  Even though we had just picked-up repaired ride-em mower, Dan has to run mower back to repair shop to fix one minor issue.  Saturday Dan goes to Jaxson’s soccer game in Marysville.

Sunday Dan goes to Mason’s soccer game in Redmond, Rebecca is there.

Tuesday AM, 09JAN, Dan takes Fiesta toad into dealer for new key “fob” to replace our non-working one.  In the old days if you had key issue you got a blank and had it machined.  Now the fobs’ have computer chips in them and any replacement need to be “programed” to the vehicle.  Of course our car and new fob don’t connect? Turns out fiesta & taurus are known for this repair issue  So we have one key/fob that works 100% and one that will start car but must lock/unlock car manually. Guess who gets one that works properly? (dealer only charges us for part, not labor)

Thursday, 11JAN, not much done.  Off-and-on snow from 11AM until 4PM.  By bed time temps have dropped to below freezing & forecasted to stay there for next 72 hrs.

Friday wake up 28 degrees.  Reiner road is iced, but we go grocery shopping anyway.  When home Dan shovels decks in way of doors and stairs.  Frig repair tech not willing to drive up Reiner road.  Hi temp during the day 20 degrees, dropping to 14 degrees at sunset and gusty winds in excess of 30 mph.

Saturday 13JAN, wake up to temps in the teens and gusty winds all day long.  Winds finally die down late evening.  Tomorrow’s forecast is for temps in the teens all day.  Sunday morning temp is 17 with no wind and raising to 20 by bedtime.  Last two days of sub freezing weather good time to do taxes😊  Sunday sunshine and great view.

Monday starts at 22, goes to 32, then 25 at bedtime.

Tuesday, 16JAN, wake up to 22, 35 by dinner.  By bedtime freezing rain and temp dropping to 31 and will drop more.  Roads should be treacherous tomorrow?  Wednesday AM wake up to sleet falling and everything covered in thin layer of ice Our road not in best shape but we put truck in 4-wheel and get Corrie to orthopedic surgeon and gets great news about excellent progress.  Do some grocery shopping and drive home in constant rain at 33 degrees.  Get home to no power, but that is quickly fixed.  Rain gets heavier and temp drops, and turns to pretty heavy wet snow.

Thursday AM temps right around 32 degrees; temps stay there all day with off/on light freezing sleet and heavy gusty winds.  Significant ice build-up on tree branches; added weight has already damage some.  Also drooping branches have “narrowed our driveway in one spot.  So dan took battery powered pole trimmer and removed several branches.  Short power losses thru day are a real headache  Finally had to start generator around 830PM.

Friday, 19JAN, wake up in early, early AM, to find generator ran out of fuel; but power back on, so no big deal.  Then load up truck and take Edmonds ferry to spend weekend at Rebecca & Raymond’s.  Saturday after breakfast off to grandboy soccer games.  Dinner was a “farewell” dinner for Raymond who once again deploying with his National Guard unit on another lengthy deployment.  Departure should be next weekend but there may be no time for lengthy goodbye, so we said our good-byes now.

Sunday quick breakfast, load up truck, and catch Kingston ferry to Edmonds and drive home.  Thankfully all the snow and ice is gone😊  Takeout for dinner.

Monday not much done; clean up tree debris from ice & wind.  Tuesday AM, refrigerator repair man shows up at 6PM and works till 8PM.  Turns out Samsungs are notorious for cooling tower freezing up.

Wednesday, 24JAN, take Bella in for vet eye specialist check.  Check-up is okay but will be on lifelong meds to prevent reoccurrence.  Eye problem probably caused by kidney “issue”.  Thursday Dan heads to luncheon with CGA Classmates who went to CG Academy with him way back 1970 to 1974.  On the way home Dan picks up more meds for Bella.

Friday AM pack-up truck and head to Rebecca & Raymonds  Thru afternoon preps are made for Raymonds deployment and then they all head to airport hotel for his 5AM flight.  We stay in house to dog sit the three dogs.

Saturday AM, 27JAN, take care of dogs, pack up truck and head to Woodinville for Jaxson’s soccer game.  We meet Rebecca and two grandsons at the soccer field (they spent night in airport hotel).  After game we have pizza at local pizzeria; then head home to veg out.

Sunday at lunch Dan takes off to Issaquah for Mason’s soccer game (mom Rebecca also in attendance).  On drive home Dan gets call from brother-in-law Tim Tompkins; Tim is in the area to help his mom with some family issues.  Decision is for Tim to come by the house for dinner.  Great but short three hour visit before Tim takes off see his sister Lori.

Month finishes quietly with not much more done.  Corrie nearing end of shoulder PT and Dan has unplanned visits to primary care (nothing major)🙃