grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Sunday, December 31, 2023

01-31DEC23 - Sultan, WA (🎅 merry xmas 🤶)

This December consisted mostly of two things

1) dealing with recovery pain/physical therapy from Corrie’s rotator cuff surgery;

2) and trying to get ready and celebrate xmas.  So first half of the month was almost solely devoted pain management; multiple therapy sessions every week and meeting with medical staff for post-op assessment. 

And to add to our not so cheery mood, our area has unseasonal warm weather, downpours melting the snow pack, causing local flooding everywhere.

Friday, 15DEC, take Rocket to vet hospital for blood work and general check-up of his liver by vet after last month’s emergency.  Everything pretty good; then back to house to pack truck and catch ferry to Kingston; to babysit grandsons (Jaxson & Mason) while parents Rebecca & Raymond celebrate anniversary.

Saturday late AM, Pitre’s jump in their car and we get into our truck and all head to ferry terminal.  Then on to Bothell for Mason’s soccer game.  Then we head home to our house and Pitre’s head to their home.

Tuesday, 19DEC (our 42nd anniversary) off to morning physical therapy.  Then off to Snohomish for anniversary breakfast/brunch at Snohomish Bakery and at the same location and time First and Union Kitchen.  Two different kitchens/eateries sharing same building.  Very good!

FIRST & UNION | snobake

HOME | fukitchen (

Wednesday not much done.  Thursday AM, 21DEC, Corrie has PT; our replacement blue ox tow hitch arrived to replace old one.  Friday heavy rain; AM eye appointment for Corrie.  Start prep’ing food for tomorrow’s trip to Pitre’s.

Saturday AM head to Edmonds ferry to go to Pitre’s for xmas; not much done rest of the day.  Sunday (xmas eve) last minute grocery shopping; cookie decorating; grinch drink; gingerbread house decorating.  Take out dinner from olive garden.

Xmas day – Start with traditional French toast breakfast; open presents; clean-up wrapping paper; then more clean-up.  Raymond had already started cooking chuck roast on smoker at 4AM (excellent!).  Rebecca and Corrie spent morning finishing rest of meal.  Then xmas dinner at noon; another clean-up.

Last thing - Preparing hors d'oeuvre for guests at 4PM.  Johnny and Sebastian and Rebecca and Raymonds friends from turkey day.  Kids adjourn to living room to play e-games; and adults (not Johnny or Dan) adjourn to dining room for adult games.  then final clean up and to bed.

Tuesday AM load up truck, catch ferry and back home.  Wednesday, 27DEC, high winds thru the night; wake up to no power and head to Corrie’s PT.  Power restored just as we get home; Thursday not much done.

Friday AM shopping at Fred Meyer; then after lunch to Costco for Corrie to get hearing aid repaired, and Dan to get hearing test.  Dan couldn’t get hearing test because of “too much” wax in ear canal?  Today temperature was 20 degrees above normal.  Saturday watch the movie “Boys in the Boat” at local multi-plex (two thumbs up); Fresh dungeness crab for dinner.  Sunday (last day of December); very subdued and early to bed; no new year eve celebration.