grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Saturday, September 30, 2023

01-26SEP23- Sultan, WA (10th b-day for grandson mason)

Friday AM (first day of September) Dan heads to Sultan Food Bank; Corrie takes Rocket to vet for follow-up ultrasound on his kidney stones event.  After dinner Dan heads to Starfire soccer complex (south of Seattle) for Mason’s first game of three game weekend tournament.  Due to hand injury to the starting goalie Mason might be goalie for entire tournament.  And this game is their first night game under the lights for the team.

Saturday around lunch we head to second of Mason’s soccer games in the tournament; then home to mow before rain arrives.

Sunday, 03SEP, before lunch we head to last of Mason’s tournament soccer games.  The team started out with a loss (4 to 0 - note all the points were scored in first half!); next day was a tie (2 to 2); and today was a win (5 to 2); not bad for playing with a “new” goalie against select teams from Seattle & Bellevue.  Back at the house it was an early dinner of take-out from Sultan Thai; rain returns, looks like summer is over?

Friday 08SEP Dan heads to food bank in morning.  Then at lunch drives south to Tacoma and around to Pitre’s to get grandson Mason after school; catch the Kingston ferry and drive home to Oma and dinner.  Then Saturday right before lunch Mason, Oma and Dan head to Mason’s soccer game at soccer complex in Redmond.  Immediately after game we head to Edmonds ferry to get Mason to his mom, Rebecca, who was covering Jaxson’s soccer game.  Then home to take out dinner from Taco Time.

Sunday great weather; Corrie gardens and Dan connects wood chipper to tractor to make sure it works; then mows backyard

Monday, 11SEP, Dan starts taking pool down.  Works off and on disassembling pool so that on Friday he can store most of pool away.  Then at lunch time head to Pitre’s for grandson sitting.

Then Saturday, 16SEP, off to Loeb’s field for both boys’ soccer games.  Thankfully both at some location one after another; Mason first and Jaxson second.

Turns out Jaxson’s team had minimum players to field a team, so Mason and another kid from his team were allowed to participate in second game.  They were pretty tired and only played sporadically.  Then into the car and Dan caught the ferry home.

Sunday we decide to fire-up the RV and head to son Joe & wife Bethany’s in Houma , LA, next week for a grand daughter fix.  So now we have to plan long drive down and back; close up house and property; and change previously made appointments!!! Looks like last good weather for at least a week so Dan mows.

Monday, 18SEP, runs errands in prep for RV trip; Dan has dental in AM and foodbank rest of the day.  Tuesday, 19SEP AM Corrie runs errands; afternoon off to pharmacy to get Fluzone and Arexvy vaccines.  Wednesday not much done; Rocket gets trimmed; Corrie feeling the effects of yesterday’s shots  Thursday mostly spent on preparing for next week’s RV trip.

Friday gorgeous weather; Dan goes to local RV show while Corrie runs errands.  RV show almost a waste of time/money (small selection of dealers and no vendors selling after market accessories).  Daughter Rebecca shows up with youngest son Mason to spend the night to cutdown their driving tomorrow to Mason’s soccer game.  Game is on this side of Puget Sound and no need for to catch ferry tomorrow.

Saturday late morning off to the soccer game; thankfully game finished before strong rains arrive; then home for us and not much done.

Sunday AM, 24OCT, off to the Pitre’s in the truck with dogs for grandson Mason’s birthday (10 years old) with family.  We get to Edmonds ferry terminal and half the parking lot is empty and they aren’t letting any cars past tickets booth after us?  Turns out today is a large bicycle event being held by Cascade Bicycle Club.  The first three ferry runs of the day to the Kingston Ferry Terminal give 50% of their capacity to participants.  So no waiting for us and at cars are unloaded first so we don’t get stuck behind clumps of slow moving bikes😊

At their house not much done until lunch time when we have several domino’s pizza’s and birthday cake.  Then Mason opens presents from family and we hit the road home.  Unfortunately all our good luck on the ferry this morning is wiped out by three hour wait outbound; get home and collapse on couch.

Kitsap Color Classic | Cascade Bicycle Club

Monday, move RV out of garage to driveway and start packing it for Wednesday’s departure; heavy, heavy rain off & on afternoon into the night.  Tuesday, 26SEP, all day on getting RV ready into the night, shooting for early AM departure to miss supposed “bad” weather approaching; during all this had to take Bella the dog to vet to have left eye checked out for possible infection.