grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Monday, July 31, 2023

01-31JUL23 - Sultan, WA (🎪camping at winthrop, wa; & soccer tourny⚽)

July starts off with sunshine & near record heat.  Tuesday (4th of July) is more sun and hotter heat. In fact the long time seattle joke has been – summer officially arrives on July 5th.  Now it has been 13 years in a row of sunny 4th.  More proof for/or against climate change?

Saturday, 08JUL, marine layer in AM and sun returns after lunch; not much done other than getting dogs, car and luggage ready for tomorrow’s trip to the pitres and grandkids. Turns out grandkids have new i-watch for “safety”; so mason sends Dan an audio text (note, this is Dan’s very first ever audio text!):

Mason - is there food you wouldn’t eat?

Dan – beets!

Mason - what about pickled beets?

Dan - as sam I am said – not pickled, not raw, not boiled, I will not eat green eggs and beets!

Mason – laughing😊

Sunday AM we catch Edmonds ferry to Pitres; purpose of visit is to say goodbye to Raymond on his next National Guard deployment.  After arrival, afternoon was spent at scenic beach state park at Seabeck, WA.  Rebecca (Raymond stayed home to finish packing) brought her paddleboard; her and boys spent hours on it.  Back to house for burgers to find out Raymond’s flights delayed until Friday.  Dan shares his harvested wild blackberries on vanilla ice cream for dessert.

Monday AM catch Kingston ferry and drive back to our house.  Tuesday 11JUL, we move RV out of RV garage and start prep-ing for upcoming camping trip with Rebecca and grandsons.  Then we drive to Edmonds to pick up grandsons off of ferry.  While waiting for ferry we have dinner at Mar?ket Fishmonger & Eatery.  Menu mostly seafood rolls (crab roll, shrimp roll and three types of lobster rolls); Dan went with shrimp and Corrie went with traditional cold lobster roll.

Then we get the grandsons and back to house where they wanted in the pool asap!  Wednesday Corrie has medical while boys want back in pool now even though it is pretty cool out and no sun.  Boys spend most of day running around property, biking, swimming or picking wild blackberries; while we work on getting RV ready for departure tomorrow.

Thursday AM final loading of RV and hooking-up Toad and on the road.  Route will be US2 east, to US 97N like Dan takes to Omak/Okanogan for rebuilding burnt out houses volunteer work.  But turning back west on state highway 20 to Winthrop KOA.  Mom (Rebecca)had planned family vacation at the town of Winthrop and we all had reservations that can’t be cancelled at the KOA.  But now dad Raymond is deployed with National Guard in Australia and Rebecca has to work Friday  So we are taking grandkids (jaxson and mason) up in RV to get our spot and set up camp.  Three hour plus drive and then two hours in high heat to set up camp; then Dan and boys immediately head to pool for almost two hours.  Somehow in the high heat Corrie prepares chicken and pot of pasta for dinner.

Friday, 14JUL, we get boys bikes back together and then prepare for “shopping” trip at only grocery store of size in local area (Thriftway).  Back to RV for lunch and pool after.  It is too hot for Dan so he retreats to RV AC.  Used outdoor propane to cook dinner and keep extra heat out of RV; then into Winthrop for ice cream.

We were last here in AUG2009, on cross country trip (not much has changed).  Not sure if same owners of ice cream parlor but the same saddles used for outdoor seating?  Back to RV early for some much needed rest (mom Rebecca had to work most of day in Silverdale now has long drive and will be arriving late  Rebecca gets here around 11PM.

The Ryan RV Express: 28AUG09 - Winthrop, WA

Saturday AM everybody, but Dan, heads into Winthrop for walkabout before heat and tourists arrive.  After lunch we all head to Lake Pearrygin state park with the paddleboard.

Pearrygin Lake State Park | Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission

After about three hours, the sun and no breeze is too much and we all head back to the RV and dogs.  A dinner of hot dogs, mac and cheese and veggies.  Then Rebecca and boys head off to campground pool; Oma & Opa veg out with dogs.

Sunday AM a full day of activity; starting with trip to Winthrop National Fish Hatchery.  No other tourists there and we get private tour; very informative.  But prognosis for long term survival of the different salmon species is not good.  Facility has one area they call “beaver jail”.  Most beavers and the structures they build are beneficial to the environment.  But every now and then a beaver insists on building and rebuilding that causes problems.  In that case the beaver is trapped and placed in jail here until it can be relocated far, far, away.

Next up was driving westward into Northern Cascades National Forests to Washington Pass and Liberty Bell Mountain overlook, spectacular view/sites.  Unfortunately National Forest visitor facility closed and no sign when reopening?

Back to campground pool, before going on a river tubing adventure.  Dan almost drowns, but no one seemed too concerned

Methow Rafting | Family River Trips for Winthrop, Chelan, Seattle | Winthrop, WA

Then pizza dinner at East 20 Pizza.  Five us – so we order five pizzas.  Then back to campsites to start packing RV and Rebecca’s car for tomorrow’s departures.

Contact – East 20 Pizza

Monday AM, 17JUL, finish packing up last of the cabin and campsite gear and the Pitre’s hit the road to their house in Silverdale.  Taking time to site-see Diablo Lake along highway 20.  We dump our sewage tanks and hit the road back to our house in Sultan.  Experienced gusty winds while driving alongside the Columbia River. Finally home and start our recovery from the “relaxing” camping trip.

Tuesday sunny and hot day; not much done.  Wednesday more sun and heat (maybe driest July ever).  Corrie has medical; Dan unloads RV and prepares to back it in to RV Garage/Shop; Corrie gets back & we back RV in; Corrie gardens, Dan starts mowing.

Thursday, 20JUL, sun/heat too much.  Late afternoon we head to Edmonds ferry to pick up grandsons (Jaxson & Mason).  They will spend next few nights with us to cut travel time to Mason’s upcoming soccer tournament in Redmond.  We have dinner at Demetris Woodstone Taverna, interesting menu, very good.  Dan rides ferry to get boys and we head home.  Rebecca will join us all on Friday after work.

Demetris Woodstone Taverna - Demetris Woodstone Taverna (Kafé Neo Woodstone Group) - Mediterranean Restaurant in Edmonds, WA

Friday AM boys and Dan pick wild blackberries for Rebecca.

After lunch we head into Redmond for first soccer game; Mason scores one goal & they win 4 to zip.

Crossfire Select Cup - Youth Soccer Tournament

On drive back home we drive by Dan’s parents’ old house on Union Hill.  Dinner at Mc D’s; then into the pool; Rebecca arrives at 8:30PM.

Saturday AM off to soccer tournament for two games; Corrie not feeling well stays home.  Traffic/parking at fields really bad.  Then food trucks overwhelmed takes two hours to get order (but some foods ran out before filling all orders).  Over three hour wait between games in hot sun & heat.  Mason’s first game is tough but we win.

Second game is against best team in bracket.  And the best team had a cake-walk for their first game; end result is they out-run us and win four to one.

Sunday AM back to tournament for semi-final; Corrie stays home again.  Dan can’t figure out bracketing system used but we end up playing exact same team as yesterday afternoon?  today both teams have fresh legs, great game, excellent soccer played.  They scored on two set pieces (corners), something our team has struggled with all year (final score 2 to 1).  Then back to the house to pack-up so Rebecca, boys and Roux their dog can get back their house and re-pack for their short trip to Louisiana Wednesday.

Monday, 24JUL, cloudy and temps dropped 14 degrees; heavy rain after dinner.  Tuesday AM Dan throws overnight bag and heads to Edmonds ferry to help get Rebecca and grandsons to SeaTac airport tomorrow AM.   Corrie has girl’s day out with Jan Formisano.  When Rebecca gets home from work then off to boys’ soccer practice, grilled burgers for dinner, and then packing for tomorrow’s flight.

Wednesday up very early to drive Rebecca & boys to SeaTac airport; drive takes 15 minutes longer than “normal”.  Thankfully we had Good to Go pass and enough riders to use HOV lanes.  Dan heads back to Rebecca’s house picks up their dog Roux and catches Kingston Ferry to drive home to Sultan.  We will be dog sitting Roux.

Shortly after arrival home, Corrie shows Dan that our dog Rocket not peeing (ie excreting urine) even though he is trying.  At first no concern but check of internet states any pet (especially dogs) trying and not succeeding is an emergency!!!  Of course it is end of “work day” and only options are pet emergency facility’s; on fourth try Dan gets Rocket into one in Kirkland (turns out we had him there six years ago).  Short story is - something is blocking urethra not showing up on xray.  Leave him there and they will sedate and insert catheter; tomorrow AM will know more.  Receive late night call from vet hospital, catheter worked and Rocket not in pain anymore, hopefully exact issue known tomorrow.

Thursday AM, 28JUL, get call from vet/pet hospital, Rocket doing better but has many small “stones” in bladder & kidneys.  He will require operation on bladder; kidney stones will require meds & changed diet.  Hospital is ready to operate now but will allow us to price shop.  Other vets contacted wanted to postpone procedure, so we left him where he was & operation will be tomorrow.  Rest of day was routine stuff trying not think about Rocket.

Friday early afternoon off to pet/vet hospital, return home with Rocket wearing his cone of shame to start two week recovery.  Saturday not much done; just caring for Rocket.

Sunday not much done and around 5PM Dan heads to Rebecca & Raymonds with their dog Roux.  The idea is for Dan to spend the night at their house and then pick up Rebecca and the boys Monday AM at SeaTac airport, when they return from their short vacation in Houma, LA.

But on the ferry ride over Dan realizes he does not have their house key with him  So he has to get back on the ferry, drive home, get the key and then drive all the way around back to the house at 10:30PM

Sunday (last day of July) early AM Dan heads to SeaTac after unexpectedly learning flight will be one hour early! Dan gets everyone back to their house and then heads home to help Corrie with Rocket recuperation/recovery.