grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Friday, March 31, 2023

01-31MAR23 - Sultan, WA (passing of another of greatest generation😥)


March flew by with what seemed like nothing but routine and mundane things - like medical; dental; volunteering at Sultan Food Bank; Corrie purchased garden “stuff” to continue prep’ing raised garden beds for spring/summer; Dan doing annual battle with invasive blackberries; etc; etc.  But there also were non-routine occurrences🙃

Wednesday (first day of March) Dan heads to Stevens Pass for half day of skiing.

Friday 03MAR wake up to two inches of wet snow on the ground & quickly melting.  Rest of day preparing truck for trip to Rebecca & Raymond Pitre’s tomorrow.  Saturday, 04MAR, early AM off to Edmonds ferry to visit Pitre’s in Silverdale, WA; heavy rain whole way.  After arrival not much done until Mason’s soccer game in early afternoon in miserable rain & cold.  After game off to Blu Berry Frozen Yogurt.

Sunday up early & on the road home to Sultan; only one ferry on Kingston/Edmonds ferry run but we beat the rush and only wait twenty minutes.  Clear, sunny weather with great view of Rainier; not much done after getting home & unpacking truck.

Wednesday AM, 08MAR, Dan heads to Stevens Pass Ski.  Weather not the best (no sun, windy, continuous snow flurries) but almost no people and four inches of fresh powder (so great skiing).  Spring must be getting close because Corrie spending most of each day in garden.

Monday 13MAR aunt Madeline passes away around sunset, less than two months from her 99th birthday.  Sadly, we haven’t seen her since before covid

15MAR Corrie has morning med pre-op for tomorrows eye procedure (not a routine medical procedure).  After lunch Dan heads to Stevens Pass Ski for few hours of skiing.

Thursday, 16MAR, up way-to-early to get to medical facility for Corrie’s outpatient procedure (ectropion (when lower eyelid pulls away from eyeball) repair); all goes well.   Back at house well before lunch; Corrie naps most of day.  Great sunshine which she can’t enjoy because of swollen eyes.  Friday (St Patty day) in AM Dan does Corrie’s normal grocery shopping; great sunshine; Corrie still taking easy from her eye procedure.  Dan works on re-starting garden irrigation system, looks like main control is OOC:(  Part ordered from amazon.

Wednesday great weather; Corrie has mid-afternoon med appointment to remove stiches from recent eye procedure.  First we had lunch at Ginza restaurant in Bellevue, then a walkabout at Bellevue Downtown Park (impressive); then off to eye doctor.  All is well.  Friday Corrie runs errands but still slightly under the weather from eye procedure.  Dan deals with discovered leaks on drip irrigation system.

Saturday AM 25MAR Dan heads to Edmonds ferry to the Pitre’s for Mason’s afternoon soccer game, while Corrie stays at home with dogs.  After soccer is Chick Fil’let for dinner.  Sunday AM after breakfast Dan catches ferry back to Edmonds and home to Corrie; not much done the rest of the day.

Wednesday, 29MAR, sunny day; Dan gets in some spring skiing.  Conditions were excellent – what skiers call a “blue bird day”!

Friday AM (last day of march) load up truck and head to Pitre’s after short stint at food bank.  Grandboys have soccer games on Saturday; not much done after arrival but help Rebecca get full size mattress from Costco for Mason’s new bunkbed.  Hawaiian takeout for dinner; Rebecca & Raymond’s good friends Johnny & Sebastian stop by for nice visit.