grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Monday, January 31, 2022

01-31JAN22 - Sultan, WA ( grandson jaxson is ten 🎈)

Saturday (first day of the new year 2022), wake up to still freezing temps.  Rebecca & Raymond pack-up to head home with their boys (Jaxson & Mason).  But first they let the boys play/sled one last time in the snow for two hours.  Then we feed them lunch & send them on their way.   Finally, we collapse and become couch potatoes (Corrie starts new year feeling under the weather☹)

Sunday temps start to warm-up and rain arrives mid-morning.  Finally we can see the snow that has been on the ground for over a week start to get smaller/disappear😊  But that night temps dropped & rain turned into wet snow.  Monday AM wake up to two inches of new snow.  Areas where yesterday’s rain had removed snow from some cleared areas (like shoveled decks, tire tracks in driveway) now had snow cover and driveway was very tricky to use, especially on non-level areas  Tuesday weather still around freezing but at least no new snow.

Not much done, can’t go to Jaxson’s for his tenth birthday, because of road conditions. Big event of January was grandson Jaxson’s belated tenth birthday on the 29th of January (almost three weeks late) at DEFY (same place Mason’s b-day party was at on 24SEP).

The Ryan RV Express: 01-30SEP21 - Sultan (🎈grandson mason is eight)

DEFY Silverdale | Washington | DEFY Trampoline Parks

To keep “busy” during the rest of January, we spent some time doing:

>The Sultan VoA Food Bank in town was closed for first two weeks of month because of ice & snow conditions on roadways.  Dan continued to volunteer in last half of month.

>Corrie had girls’ day out with her fiend Jan Formisano.

>Dan got in some great skiing at Stevens Pass.  All that snow last month was a good thing for skiers/boarders🙃

>And lots of babysitting the grandboys (Jaxson & Mason) in support of Rebecca & Raymond.  Often combined with watching their indoor soccer games, & jiu-jitsu practices.