grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Friday, December 31, 2021

01-31DEC21 - Sultan, WA (๐ŸŽ„merry xmas & ๐ŸŽ‡happy new year)

December starts with continuous rain from what is called “atmospheric river of rain” (aka pineapple express); stationary warm, wet, wind from Hawaii and aimed at the Seattle area.  Saturday, 04DEC, we drive around something called “Ho-Ho Holiday Market Tour” of several small business & “craft fairs” in Sultan (3 Stops), Start-up (3 Stops) & Index (1 Stop).  Because US2 is the main (and only) arterial we head to end of tour in Index first and visit the beautifully restored Bush House Inn.  Corrie not too pleased that it is snowing on last two miles to Bush House on narrow two lane.  Eastbound traffic on US2 starting to get congested as we drive against traffic back westward to Sultan to complete the “tour”.  After Index we back-track to Start-up and Sultan.

Bush House Inn | Bush House Country Inn Index, WA

“The historic Bush House Inn, saved from collapse by new owners in January 2011, underwent an intensive renovation plan to restore the last remaining hotel and restaurant in Index, Washington as a vibrant business.  Guest rooms were completed in July 2021, and work continues on the event spaces and restaurant.

The three story building had been closed since 2002 and plagued by age, weather, and vandalism. The sale of the property in late 2010 came as a welcome surprise to local residents who feared they had lost another local iconic structure. The new owners, Blair and Kathy Corson are Index residents, have just completed renovations on another community icon; the Index Tavern – now known as The River House; an Outdoor Adventure Center for rafting and family recreation.”

Monday, 06DEC, finally get a refrigerator repair person to fix our Samsung frig/freezer that crapped out turkey day.  Samsung actually has dedicated repair personnel covering all of the Seattle area.  Unfortunately they couldn’t get here for a month and charge over $200 just for the visit, not including parts and labor.  Luckily we found local who got to us in two weeks, and immediately knew issue was a drain tube plugged with crud.  He had new factory “modified” parts that should prevent problem ten years down the line; one hour and much less than Samsung๐Ÿ˜Š

Sunday, 12DEC, after lunch we head into Seattle Center to meet Rebecca, Raymond, & grandkids for two xmas exhibits – the Awesome Legos; & the Xmas Train (plus music).  Both at the Seattle Center.

Lego exhibit was impressive but way overpriced!  Xmas train and music was not impressive but was free.  Since the evening was still early, we decided to find some place for dinner.  Because of covid, it being Sunday and the rain; not much choice.  After too much walking we decide on Thai Heaven which Dan remembered as the first Thai restaurant in Seattle late 80s?  Fantastic back in the day, barely average now, compared to the numerous Thai throughout Seattle.

Brickman Awesome - Lego Exhibition (

“AWESOME EXHIBITION takes visitors on a tour of some of the most AWESOME places and AWESOME vehicles made completely out of LEGO® bricks! This interactive exhibition of LEGO® models includes a 24.5 foot tall NASA SLS Rocket, an orca whale, and the first life-sized LEGO® Harley Davidson ever made. The 38 models are made from more than a million LEGO® bricks, taking over 2,500 hours to build.”

Monday AM Dan heads to first day as volunteer at the Volunteers of America Sultan Food Bank.  Tuesday, 14DEC, in AM we head to Rich & Jan Formisano’s for brunch and some game called carbles?; then back home.

WIKI - Carbles is a board game for 1-12 players that involves cards and marbles, combining elements of strategy and chance. The goal of the game is to be the first player to move all of your marbles out of your “lot”, around the board, and into your “goal”. However your available moves are determined by the cards in your hand - so use them wisely!

Friday AM head to Edmonds ferry to spend night with Rebecca, Raymond, & grandkids; not much done once we get there.  Saturday AM off to Mason’s indoor soccer game; Jaxson has a bye week; back to Pitre’s house and some cribbage.  Movie night steaming “Ron Gone Wrong” & making xmas cookies.  Sunday, 19DEC, 40 Year Anniversary; pancake breakfast than off to catch Kingston ferry and home.  Anniversary dinner at the The Repp, in Snohomish, WA.  Monday Dan picks up Sleep Apnea test machine for home self test.  Dan was tested for Apnea five years ago in Houma, LA; no apnea shown.  But because of his April stroke; doctors want another test because people with apnea have increased risks of strokes and heart issues.

22DEC finally finish decorating our tree and setting up Xmas displays (just a little late?).

Thursday AM, 23DEC, off to the Pitre’s; both grandkids have mild stomach “flu” so not much done once we arrive.  Raymond is at home taking care of the boys & Rebecca gets home after work.  Friday (Xmas Eve) last minute shopping; then decorating cookies for santa; play some cribbage; & finally streaming Disney’s “Encanto”.

Saturday AM (Xmas Day) opening of too many presents, afterwards Rebecca’s traditional breakfast of French toast.  Big hit for hot present is Oculus Virtual Reality Headset.  Remember over a decade ago when Wii and Kinetic systems were the hot item, but seemed to disappear with two years?  This year’s VR headsets are same situation.

This year’s Xmas feast was prime rib not turkey, excellent; after dinner back to the VR games.  VR system is so convincing that Dan almost fell flat on his face thinking he was on a real coaster shooting at dozens of various targets on his ride.

Sunday wake up to dusting of 2 inches of snow; but snow keeps falling while we pack the truck for return trip home to Sultan, WA.  Continuous snow on drive home keeps many drivers creeping along with flashers on; and snow results in state ferry’s being loaded and unloaded one lane at a time (not the normal two lanes).  Almost unbelievably in spite of other drivers we make it safely home๐Ÿ˜Š and find house surrounded by eight inches of snow and it is still falling; snowing stops by dinner.

Monday, 27DEC, Rebecca & Raymond brave the snow/ice roads to bring kids, Jaxson & Mason to our house for last week of their Xmas school break.  After Rebecca & Raymond start the drive back to east Bremerton, we start the process of keeping two high energy boys entertained for five days.  Since Mason is dealing with a cold he stays inside, while Dan takes Jaxson next door to sled on the neighbors hill.  Temps will drop into low 20s tonight.  Anyone remember snow-pocalypse or snow-mageddon, that hit Seattle back in FEB2019 (see our BLOG link below)?  This snow is as bad and Seattle area again at a standstill because of snow/ice.

The Ryan RV Express: 01-28FEB19 - Sultan, WA (❄⛄snow-pocalypse or snow-mageddon⛄❄)

Tuesday sub-freezing temps; Jaxson & Mason sled with four neighbor grandkids on next door property (enjoy themselves immensely!)  Wednesday a little warmer; after lunch we head across the street to another neighbor’s to join their grandkids and sled a steeper/longer hill.

Thursday late AM, 30DEC, Dan grabs grandboys, Jaxson & Mason, for a ski lesson at Stevens Pass Ski.  After four years of Vail Corp ownership, operation still piss-poor management everywhere starting with parking.  When we get to ski area outside air temp is 9 degrees.  But once the lesson started things went well & boys had great time.  Drive up and back home is unnecessary challenge because of idiots who don’t know how to handle packed snow & ice on the road way.

Friday last day of the month & year; Rebecca & Raymond show up late afternoon; first thing is to get snow gear on so Jaxson & Mason can show them sledding next door.  Turns out neighbors have made the sledding run better.  After that it was into house for snackies/dinner prepared by Corrie & Rebecca.  Then way before midnight (like 730PM) we fire-off some fireworks to make grandkids happy and to bring in the new year๐Ÿ™ƒ

No resolutions made, but big change for Dan in the New Year is to volunteer couple times a week at Volunteers of America, Sultan Food Bank.