grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

01-30NOV21 - Sultan, WA (🍗 turkey day)

Friday, 05NOV,Dan starts stripping five old/unused bikes for recycling of the metals.  As we said in last month’s BLOG we tried to take them to a charity for renovation & donation to familys’ in need.  But the charity claimed they were “not worth the effort” needed?  Back in the day bikes were only made out of steel (no aluminum) and simpler.  You could break down an old bike in couple of hours for steel recycling, and the only non-steel was handle grips, seats, & tires.  And only tools needed were crescent wrench & screwdriver.  Working couple of hours here-and-there, using too many tools (including battery powered disc grinder), Dan’s task wasn’t done until end of the month?

Tuesday, 09NOV, rain returns after lunch; we go get our covid boosters & then have lunch downtown.  Friday AM, 12NOV, we take ferry to visit Rebecca & Raymond Pitre for overnight visit.  Saturday is last outdoor soccer game of season for the kids, Mason & Jaxson.  After soccer games we head home.  Sunday Dan finishes-up putting mud flaps on the Fiesta.

Monday 22NOV AM, Dan off to sleep clinic for possible apnea test requested by neuro doctor (he had one done in 2016).  Neuro doctor wants to rule out the slim possibility that sleep apnea caused his stroke?  We also had a tree guy come by to clear part of the fallen hemlock tree from last winters storm.

Wednesday, 24NOV, Corrie runs last errands before turkey day; before lunch propane techs show up to make sure our system is safe for refilling.  Corrie starts cooking for turkey day; Dan preps bonus room for Pitres’ arrival turkey day; dinner at Pho Thanh Na.

Thursday (turkey day) Rebecca, Raymond & grandboys (Jaxson & Mason) drive over.  After the boys burn off some, energy we have excellent dinner prepared by Corrie.  Then some cribbage & then the new marvel movie Shang-Chi (thanks to streaming).

Friday AM Corrie wakes Dan up early because our refrigerator is leaking onto kitchen floor.  After an hour or more of trouble shooting Dan believes it is a drain line from ice maker that is plugged and backing up?  After looking at YouTube it means emptying entire unit & letting it to warm to room temp for 24hrs.  Then couple hours of disassembly on interior of freezer bin & maybe that isn’t the issue?   So we secure the water and hope we can find repair person on turkey day weekend.  Around lunch time the Pitres head home; leftovers for dinner.

Saturday, 27NOV, another day of atmospheric river of rain; not much done. Sunday more & more rain, excellent lunch at Cabbage Patch Restaurant Snohomish (in business since 1978).  Tuesday (last day of November) more rain off and on rain. November ends up with most rain on record; and up by the USA/Canadian border results in record flooding on five separate days in a two week period

Cabbage Patch | Restaurant & Catering | Snohomish, WA (