grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Thursday, September 30, 2021

01-30SEP21 - Sultan, WA (🎈grandson mason is eight)

Wednesday AM, (first day of September), Dan follows Rebecca to the elementary school for first day of school for Jaxson & Mason (hope is this will be all in person this year, with no covid remote learning, fingers crossed).  Then catches ferry home to Corrie.  Although still sunny days no one around to use pool & it is cooling, we start emptying it.  Disturbing news that the Dankers (neighbors about 1/4 mile down the road) llama and 2 alpacas were killed by a cougar.  State wildlife says due to loss of habitat the cougars are moving from the national forest lands into settled rural areas😕

Wednesday, 08SEP, Dan arranges a luncheon at Kingston Ale House for Joe Bridger (remember he “left” our place with his RV Trailer last day of AUG, now he is in Port Angeles, WA).  Also there were ten other CGA Classmates - Brantner, Hunter, Harvey, Auker, Iremonger, Wicklund, Formisano, Courtois, Petersen, Weston – great time and no lies were told!

The Ryan RV Express: 01-30APR19 - Sultan, WA

The Kingston Ale House - Family Restaurant in Kingston (

Thursday AM Dan catches early Edmonds ferry to help Rebecca with two sick boys; afternoon Rebecca takes Jaxson in for covid test; then comes home & takes Mason to urgent care for “stomach flu”.  Friday Dan still grandkid sitting at Rebecca’s; Jaxson fully recovered; Mason on the mend.  Saturday AM up early & one hour drive to Jaxson’s first soccer game of the season; then Dan heads to Kingston ferry terminal to head home.

Sunday, 12SEP, wake up to rain; Dan spends late morning fixing burner igniters on gas stove with help of YouTube.  YouTube is one “good thing” about the internet.  This is third time it was essential in home appliance repair where online manuals were useless!  In this case the video showed how to access electrical connection buried at rear of stove without pulling whole unit out & completely removing the top (which would have meant turning off & disconnecting gas supply).

Thursday AM, 16SEP, Corrie takes dogs to vets.  Then Corrie heads to east Bremerton to help with grandkids.  Early that evening Dan heads into Seattle for dinner with Steve & Marijo Brantner; and Steve & Anthony Venckus at Pomodoro in Seattle.  Excellent restaurant combining Spanish tapas with Italian pastas and the chef/owner cooked for the King of Spain.

Italian Restaurant Seattle - Pomodoro offers Italian and Spanish dining until late night.

Friday AM, 24SEP, we catch Edmonds ferry & drive to east Bremerton to help Rebecca with Mason’s eighth b-day; get helium in balloons & pick up cake; then when everyone home from school & work off, to Defy extreme sports,for the party.  One hour of extreme sports before pizza, cake  & presents.  Then home to Rebecca’s by 830PM exhausted.

Saturday very early start to get soccer team pics, then Rebecca takes Jaxson to his game, & we take Mason to his game in Kingston.  Then a little relaxation for lunch before Rebecca & Dan assemble new trampoline for the boys.  Dinner at the Boat Shed (one of our favorites) before finally no more “things” to do.  Sunday AM catch Kingston ferry to get home before lunch; early afternoon light rain, not much done for rest of month😊