grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Friday, April 30, 2021

01-30APR21 - Sultan, WA (do you know what FAST means? we do now)


Saturday, 03APR, not much done Corrie returns & starts prep’ing for tomorrow’s Easter dinner when Rebecca & grand boys show-up.  Sunday Easter dinner with Rebecca & grand boys; then Rebecca leaves & we have Jaxson & Mason for their spring break from school.  Monday, 05APR, Dan takes grand boys to Yesler Terrace Park in Seattle which was brand new in 2018.  Parking is impossible to find because of construction worker vehicles.  Boys play two hours straight (enjoy sliding on the artificial turf).  Go to Seattle Center for food & toilets – everything closed because of covid!  No food, one bathroom open, head home; outdoor fire & smores after dinner.

Yesler Terrace Park - Parks |

Tuesday AM Dan & boys head to Stevens Pass sno-park for sledding; find out it was closed all season because of covid & sledding hill covered in snowplow debris.  Find one spot somewhat open & make the most of it; back to house for dinner alfresco.

Friday, 09APR, AM we all head-in to Seattle Center to the Museum of Pop Culture (MOPOP) for the Minecraft “The Exhibition”.  In addition to entry tickets we purchased Minecraft the card game, & played after dinner (actually pretty good game).

Minecraft is a sandbox video game developed by Mojang. The game was created by Markus "Notch" Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early test versions, it was released as a paid public alpha for personal computers in 2009 before releasing in November 2011, with Jens Bergensten taking over development. Minecraft has since been ported to several other platforms and is the best-selling video game of all time, with 200 million copies sold and 126 million monthly active users as of 2020.

MoPOP | Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle Washington

Saturday wake up to snow!!  Rebecca shows up noonish & we have early BBQ dinner before she takes kids back to east Bremerton.  Weather fluctuates between sun, hail, rain, sun.

Thursday (normal tax day), more good weather Dan heads to Stevens Pass for his last day of skiing; gets home; & washes truck; Corrie gardens.  Friday Corrie has girls’ day out with Jan Formisano.  Dan installs more shelves in greenhouse; 80 degree dayL

Friday, 23APR, cloudy again; Corrie returns from grand boy sitting in east Bremerton, bringing Jaxson & Mason w/her.  Then we all head over to our neighbors Hans & Martha Dankers so the grandkids can the witness the shearing of their five sheep.  Then they fed the Alpacas, Llamas & Nigerian Pygmy Goats.  After dinner it was smores around the fire pit.


Wednesday, 28APR, most of day spent getting ready for tomorrow’s RV camping trip.  Following pic is a Sharp Shinned Hawk seen on the property 20APR:)

Edmonds ferry on our way to Crescent Beach RV west of Port Angeles.  Plan is for daughter Rebecca & grandsons to meet us Friday for family camping over weekend.  Dan’s driving becomes erratic while leaving ferry; causing Corrie great concern & for her to finish the drive to RV park. From there it was off Port Angeles hospital ER to have Dan checked out.  Appears he may have had some sort of stroke & they will keep him for observation for two more days. 

Tests consist of two CT scans of brain one with dye/contrast; one chest xray & numerous basic, cognitive tests.  Definitely a stroke event on right side of brain (apparently caused by Afib?).  It appears the stroke occurred on the ferry from Edmonds to Kingston; and there were absolutely no classic symptoms (ie FAST); & Dan believed his driving was normal.

Friday last day of April; another day in hospital for much more observation including ultra sound of heart & MRI to determine exact extent of brain injury.  Diagnosis is mild to significant stroke to right side of brain probably caused by irregular heart beat due to atrial fibrillation; another night of observationL  Meanwhile Rebecca & grandkids (Jaxson & Mason) join Corrie at Crescent Beach RV Park.  (Spoiler alert – Dan had no apparent long lasting affects.)  Looking back & now knowing the statistics of significant stroke impacts & outcomes, it is obvious that Dan/we were extremely luckyJ

More medical updates to follow!