grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

01-31MAR21 - Sultan, WA (finally vaccinated!!!)

March was a month of significant improvement!  Biggest being getting our second covid vaccine shot 04MAR, observing the two week quarantine period!  Then immediately heading to east Bremerton for St Patties day with Rebecca & two grandsons (Jaxson & Mason).

Most of month was spent on building new greenhouse out of wood framing, sheathed with metal & plexiglass siding.  As usual for a Dan project, way overbuilt.

During month Dan made several ski runs to Stevens Pass.  Finally management has things under control, with good conditions.  Now Dan gets good four or more hours in with almost no lift lines.

March weather is very iffy, some sun, more rain, hail, clouds, wind, heavy sleet/snow, etc.  Combine weather with the state’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” policy; we spend too much time indoors watching TV.  But we have discovered one new show we both like & so we continue bingeing on it - “Ozzie & Jack’s World Detour”.  That’s right Ozzie Osborne the Prince of Darkness & Son Jack, as they travel the USA (sometimes in an RV).  Corrie thinks Ozzie is hilarious, even though often incomprehensible), Dan is a fan of the renditions of Black Sabbath or Ozzie songs by non-rockers (like church choir, college marching band, Mariachi band, etc).

Saturday, 06MAR, Dan has angioedema reaction – off to ER.  Allergy specialist still has no idea what is the cause, or how to prevent.

Since we have finished vaccine quarantine we head to daughter Rebecca’s to help with grandkids 17-20MAR at east Bremerton.  Corrie helps Rebecca with veggie garden. & Dan takes boys indoor rock climbing.

Saturday, 27MAR weather improves; Dan takes down large alder tree w/help of neighbors Bob & son-in-law Chris, something that would have taken Dan days & days was done in two hours.  As always Corrie gardens.  Monday, 29MAR, wake up to heavy wet snow, followed by rain/sleet & eventually sunshine.

Around the end of the month Rebecca, Jaxson & Mason hike the Dirty Harry’s Peak Trail.  Strenuous four miles in & four miles back, with 3000 foot climb.

AND our son Joe official became engaged to Bethany Chiasson💑!!!