grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Monday, November 30, 2020

01-30NOV20 - Sultan, WA (so-so turkey day🍗)

November was definitely a blah month combining Covid issues with miserable weather.  All month we sort of just putter around the house & yard between bad weather:  Corrie gardens; Dan reconnects with Habitat for Humanity; cut down one our trees now blocking the solar array; minor repairs/mods to RV; Dan modifies pool solar heat system; plus throw in lots of medical & dental.

Of some interest on the pool solar heater was that diy pools & parts are still in short supply!?  As we noted in our June BLOG we purchased the solar array in June right before diy pools & accessories were sold out for the entire summer into fall.  One thing that makes the solar array more efficient is the valve we just installed now, but we wanted to do it early summer & it was sold out.  When we went online now to buy the valve we noted that the diy pools, accessories, & solar arrays are still out of stock!  Luckily the bypass valve was in stock, but more expensive.

Turkey Day definitely different, no family dinner & no turkey spread.  In fact Rebecca & Raymond drop off Gracie for dog sitting & they head to Leavenworth, WA, with the grandkids Jaxson & Mason to view the famous xmas lights & play in the snow for a few days.  Corrie makes lots of little snackies (no big entrée); gives some to the kids/grandkids for their drive; & then we nosh throughout rest of day as we become couch potatoes.

Friday nice weather; Corrie runs errands & has medical; Dan modifies RV trailer hitch.  Then we chop down one of two trees on south side of house by garage that was leaning into house. Saturday around noon Pitres return & pick up Gracie.

And the month comes to a quiet, uneventful close.