grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

01-27SEP20 - Sultan, WA

Today, 05SEP, was Dan’s botox lip treatment🙃  Not!!!  Dan went to bed last night feeling slight tingling/numbness in lower left lip & woke up to this😒  Call to 24 hour nurse said go to pharmacy & find if any two meds Dan is on had ace inhibitors in them.  If so, head to emergency room!  Pharmacist said yes there was, AND anytime you have this symptom head immediately to ER regardless of cause; because if symptom spreads your airway can be closed!

Can you say angioedema?  Define it?  We can – swelling in the deep layers of the skin (like the mouth)!  Turns out Dan’s low level blood pressure med (olmesartan may be the cause).  He has been taking med for over year w/no issues.  But any of the sartans could go years/decades before first problem.  Three hours of observation in ER; then back home w/swelling gone by bedtime😊  Will visit primary care Tuesday to discuss what med next?  Tuesday Dan sees GP - med changed but GP wants to run allergy test to rule food related allergy out.

Wednesday, 09SEP, Dan’s cousin Sheila drops by for unexpected visit – great but too short.

Thursday, 24SEP, catch the Edmonds ferry in heavy rain for Mason’s b-day in east Bremerton.  B-day dinner at Mod Pizza, back to house for b-day cupcakes & opening presents.  Friday we help Rebecca home school kids & help paint downstairs bathroom.  Early afternoon we fight traffic & head home to continue prepping for RV departure 28SEP to visit son Joe & family in Houma, LA.

Saturday major effort on getting RV ready for tomorrow departure.  Probably would have got it done but rain arrived early afternoon & we ran out of steam.  Joe calls & his going offshore for exact, known, time is now up in the air?  Sunday, 27SEP, sun returns & we spend most of day on RV prep for tomorrow departure.