grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Friday, January 31, 2020

01-31JAN20 - Sultan, WA

Wednesday, new years day, more rain to start new year offL  Our daughter Rebecca drops grandsons Jaxson & Mason off to spend two days with us.

Thursday we take grandkids to the Snohomish Aquatic Center.  As there website says:

“This facility has everything aquatic under one roof - swim lessons, surfingdiving, water play, recreational swim, competitive swim and water fitness classes.  The Snohomish Aquatic Center is a 52,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art facility owned and operated by the Snohomish School District.  It includes a competition pool, a dive area, wibit floating play structure, recreation pool, hot tub, spray-play area, zero-entry area, surf-simulation machine (FlowRider), lazy river, and the Splashtacular waterslide.”

After that it was a late lunch at Denny’s.  we didn’t know it but Denny’s is one of their favorites places to eat?  Jaxson finished off a kids breakfast slam & large size chicken sandwich!

Friday afternoon, 03JAN, after Corrie finishes errands, we load up grandkids & their luggage & head to Edmonds ferry to take them home.  Saturday (Jaxson’s b-day), after breakfast he opened his presents.  After that we departed back to our house.  After getting off the ferry we stopped at Waroeng Jajanan for lunch.  It was so busy there was no parking, so Corrie went & got our food to go.  Excellent food!

Waroeng Jajanan is establish since March 2012, is an Indonesian Restaurant dedicated to providing Authentic Indonesian flavors to the people of America. The name is derived from the Indonesian terms ‘Waroeng’, which refers to a street-side stall, booth or shop, and ‘Jajanan’, which is slang for treats or snacks but could also refer to anything that one buys for fun. It is run by a husband-and-wife duo of Indonesian natives who grew up with Indonesian cuisine and know the country’s signature dishes by heart. Not only does it offer a variety of delicious menu items, it also has a grocery store with a wide selection of Indonesian-made frozen meals.

Thursday, 09JAN, wake up to light dusting of snow in yard, w/snow flurries coming down.  Dan goes skiing at Steven Pass first time this season.  Snow stops around lunch w/one inch accumulation in yard & on decks – more snow expected over night. Seattleites starting to freak after last February’s snow-pocalypse (see below BLOG link).  Friday wake up to two inches of wet snow on deck.  Dan buys road salt, fixes snow shovel, & shovels decks; no real snow issues yet?

Saturday AM, 11JAN, Dan heads to Edmonds ferry & babysitting grandkids in east Bremerton.  Turns out grandson Mason has pink eyeL; hopefully it will clear up by Sunday before Monday school.  Mason’s pink eye doesn’t clear up, so Sunday AM Dan heads back to our house in Sultan to pack for a long, undetermined, stay at Rebecca & Raymond’s because Mason is not getting any betterL?  Of course significant snow supposed to arrive Monday AM; & Corrie & dogs will be on their own in SultanL?

Monday wake up to barely on inch of wet snow in Bremerton, but back home Corrie has to deal with nine inches of snow.  To Dan there are no real issues with driving in Bremerton (just wet road w/no ice or slush?) but no school today.  Tuesday, 14JAN, wake up to dusting of snow but schools still cancelled.  Corrie dealing with a foot of snow & power outages.  Dan starts making preps for departure tomorrow if Raymond or Rebecca’s work is cancelled?

Wednesday AM minimal new snow but streets are iced.  Rebecca leaves for work, Raymond sent home from work.  Dan tries to leave but can’t get up small hill at entrance to subdivision.  Tries again 45 minutes later & succeeds.  Roads are ok w/lite traffic; ferry pretty empty.  Rather than risk trying to drive the Fiesta to our house, Dan parks Fiesta at Red Apple Grocery because Reiner road icy w/few downed trees.  Corrie picks him up with the truck.  Also our driveway still full of snow – ok for our truck but not small econo car.  Strong winds that afternoon blowing gusting snow everywhere!  Then we lose power for half hour, so Dan gets generator prep-ed for possible longer periods of no power.

Thankfully snow is followed by warmer weather & rain.  This causes sloppy conditions (especially our yard), but all the snow is gone by 19JAN.  Turns out this January was one of wettest on record, w/only one day of sunshineL  Rest of our month spent on straightening trees “bent” by the heavy snow, picking all the broken branches & other yard debris from the snow; Habitat for Humanity; skiing; dealing with sick dog (Rocket); etc.