grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Saturday, November 30, 2019

15-30NOV19 - Sultan, WA

Friday morning, 15NOV, we get back on I-5N to finish the drive back to our house outside Sultan, WA.  Of course the final day of driving was in the rain after great weather since leaving Louisiana; 208 miles driven in four hours.

Saturday & Sunday Corrie runs errands, tends to garden & partially empties RV.  Dan tries mowing overgrown wet lawn w/o much success, washes RV & Toad, empties all the cargo holds & overhead cab of RV so that RV can be parked in shop/RV building.  Monday, 18NOV, more rain – apparently we missed the unusual dry first two weeks of November?

The rest of November seemed to be nothing but unending rain, & the yard never drained or dried outL  Not much accomplished other than errands, medical & dental appointments, trying to get educated on new RV, gardening, volunteering at Habitat for Humanity, etc.  But there were two other events of note during the month:

First on Thursday, 21NOV, Dan had lunch with 9 of his classmates from US Coast Guard Academy class of 1974.  Over the last few years Dan & other classmates that live within driving distance of Seattle (sometimes individuals drive up from Oregon) informally get together for impromptu lunches (see below link for last luncheon).  This time lunch and reminiscing (aka lying) was at Scotts Bar & Grill in Edmonds (recommended).

Next event, was Tuesday, 26NOV, catching the Kingston ferry to visit kids & grandkids for turkey day.  That evening was the decoration of their Xmas tree.

Wednesday Corrie & Rebecca prep’ed house & commenced cooking for an early turkey day dinner.  Like last year Rebecca’s work schedule conflicts with Thanksgiving day mealL  Early that afternoon Dan heads to Kingston ferry to pick up his niece Marisa & her sons, Jaxson & Eli, who will join us for the early thanksgiving dinner.

After recovering from an excellent dinner, we play bingo & then just veg out; while younger kids play beyblades.  Thursday (turkey day) Rebecca heads to work & not much done.  Later that morning Dan takes Marisa & boys back to ferry; leftovers for dinner.

Friday morning Corrie does some black Friday shopping & then back to ferry & home.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

06-14NOV19 - Various: TX, AZ, CA, & WA

Wednesday, 06NOV, early start on our long drive back to the house in Sultan, WA.  We have made this drive (I-10W to I-5N) so many times over the last twelve years that we dread making it yet once againL Rather than staying at our Escapees RV Club facility in Livingston, TX, as usual - we stay at an RV park (Northshore RV) with full amenities (ie cable) on the banks of Lake Livingston in Onalaska, TX.  One “issue” we note immediately w/new RV is that because it has a small fuel tank (26 gallons) that we will be refueling once or twice a day!  The 90 gallon tank on old RV, meant we could go two to three days before refueling.  323 miles driven.

Thursday AM on the road to Ingram, TX, to visit Dan’s sister Sharon & husband Tim who we last saw SEP2018.  Although we dread making this drive back to Washington, it is always a pleasure to stop & visit with them.  The day’s drive doesn’t start well as we immediately hit an extremely badly marked detour on I-45S.  There were clearly marked signs at the start of the construction project telling you that you must exit & follow detour signs.  But when we got off the highway there were no signs!  So we back tracked & came to the same sign saying exit & follow detour signs; guess what - no signs.  So Dan punched in another city just ahead of us into the GPS & finally got back on track.

During the drive we also enjoyed driving rain & wind, with a 40 degree drop in temps.  Sharon & Tim have recently sold their house outside of Kerrville, TX, & are living a very nice trailer in a RV park outside Ingram, TX.  Their intention is to start traveling with their RV this spring.  Another great visit, with excellent hearty dinner to warm the bones, & some sort of dice game we are still trying to figure out?  309 miles driven.

Friday AM saying goodbye to Sharon & Tim & then back onto I-10W; getting to Van Horn, TX, with less than two gallons of fuel left in tank – even though we refilled during drive.  357 miles driven.

Saturday longest drive in a long time – 7-1/2 hours & 431 miles.  We needed to fuel twice.  Having to refuel on a daily basis also complicates our efforts to find cheapest fuel as we travelL  In the past we (ie Dan) could research our intended route for next couple of days on the internet, noting exact location of cheapest diesel.  Then we would plan on refueling there to insure best price & that fuel warning light never came on.

During this drive in Arizona we run into a new one at diesel pumps – you save 8 cents per gallon if your vehicle weighs less than 26K pounds?  We assume this is new state tax law, since we never noticed this before?  Anyway Dan immediately drove around gas station twice to get to cheap pumps.  Why twice, because new RV has only one diesel fuel fill, not on both sides like old RV; & Dan keeps pulling up on wrong side.  We stayed at Voyager RV Resort & Hotel outside Tucson, AZ – very nice.  It was first night of the “snowbird season”, & the bar was packed for the entertainer, Albert G on the clarinet (think fourth string Kenny G).

Sunday, 10NOV, 7 hours on the road, 387 miles driven.  At exit 5 in Arizona was last stop for diesel fuel before high prices in CA.  Place is a dump, but packed w/vehicles doing last fuel-up before CA (don’t believe signs saying cheapest fuel prices are at exit 1 (it’s a lie!)).  We spend the night at another RV resort – Indian Wells RV Resort, Indio, CA.

Monday (Veterans Day) we make short drive to Victorville, CA, only 114 miles driven; so that Dan can have car shield for Toad modified to fit better.  Shady Oasis RV is an old KOA that needs serious maintenance.  After setting up camp, Dan takes Toad to Offroad & RV to have the car shield modified - no charge.  Dan stopped at a newer Walmart Super Store w/large solar array on one side of the parking lot.  A side benefit of the array is that it provided nice shaded parkingJ  So customers have to make a choice – do you want to park close to entrance in the sun, or park in the shade & hike to the store?  Dan picked the shade.

Tuesday AM make another drive we know well – US-395 to CA-58 thru Bakersfield, CA onto I-5NL to Santa Nella, CA.  In APR2013 we stopped here for lunch at Pea Soup Andersens for some of their supposedly world class pea soup?  We found it pretty poor especially when compared to Dutch ertwensoep – this time we opted for Panda Express for our dinner.  311 miles driven in 6 hours, to Santa Nella RV.

Wednesday AM back on I-5NL 387 miles driven in under 7 hours.  We decide to stay at Blue Heron RV park seven miles off the freeway in Hornbrook, CA.  First three miles of country road are good & 55mph; last four hours are TERRIBLE & we barely make 15mph.  Then we discover park has no cell phone service & very poor wifi.  If it wasn’t night time & because of terrible road, we would have left.  Beautiful setting on the banks of the Klamath River.

Thursday, 14NOV, more tedious, boring, driving on I-5N.  We take our usual route on I-205N around Portland, OR, & run into stop & go driving for half the distanceL  We stayed at same RV park (Columbia Riverfront RV) that we stayed at in Woodland, WA, when we had our original RV TVs switched to HDTVs back in 2009.  Great site overlooking the Columbia River; 356 miles driven in under seven hours.  Tomorrow final push homeJ

Thursday, November 7, 2019

29OCT-05NOV19 - Houma, LA

Tuesday around lunch, 29OCT, we finally get on the road back to Houma & granddaughter Coraline Jane, & parents Bethany & Joe (our son).  Of course there seemed to be lots of little problems w/new RV preparing for departure – cargo holds that won’t lock, low tire pressure, wrong type of tow harness connection for Toad lights, etc.  Finally on the road & we hit torrential downpour (forecast off & on for next three daysL).  We have to admit this new small RV on Mercedes Sprinter chassis is less stressful & easier to drive than our old 32ft dieselJ

Wednesday wake up to no rain; Corrie runs errands & Dan works on RV ‘stuff’.  Corrie cooks spaghetti dinner in RV & we run it over to Joe’s for family dinner, with Rebecca, Raymond, Jaxson & Mason in town to visit their old friends (& new niece/cousin Coraline)J.

Thursday (Halloween) cold & windy; Dan keeps plugging away on RV ‘stuff’.  Ron Borison (a CG Academy classmate of Dan’s) stops by for lunch w/Dan & sea stories – great visit (especially since Ron bought lunch)!  Not much done, that evening Corrie feeling tired, so Dan met Raymond & Rebecca to get pictures of Jaxson & Mason before they went trick or treating.

Sunday, 03NOV, afternoon is another great crab boil/feed & BBQ at Bethany’s parents (June & T Chiasson).  Again lots of Bethany’s family were there; but this time Rebecca, Raymond, Jaxson & Mason were also there!

After all that great food, it was off to Brook’s Sno-World for cajun snowballs even though it was pretty cold out.

Monday & Tuesday not much done other than preparing RV & Toad for Tuesday’s departure.  On Monday there was a short visit to Joe & Bethany’s to say aloha to Joe who had to go back to work (& to get our baby fix of CoralineJ!).