grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Saturday, August 31, 2019

01-31AUG19 - Sultan, WA (misc & prep'ing for road trip)

We start the month of August off still babysitting the grandkids (Jaxson & Mason); until we return them to mom Rebecca on 04AUG (aka Coast Guard Day).  We celebrated Dan’s birthday (07AUG) at the Timber Monster Brewery, a small brewery that opened in Sultan a couple of years ago.  We tried the lobster mac & cheese, gyro, & watermelon w/feta, two thumbs-up.

The next day, Thursday, the grandkids (Jaxson & Mason) returned.  They didn’t really need babysitting but Friday, 09AUG, was the annual 13th Coast Guard District CG Day picnic for all CG units in the Seattle area.  They still are at the age where they think it is a great event & are eager to go again (3rd in a row, see below internet link for last year).  Then it was back to the house to play in the lawn clipping piles.

Saturday Dan took the grandkids into Everett for a Jiu Jitsu competition.  While there they discovered an unsupervised rock climbing wall.  Then it was off to a local playground & skate board park.  Sunday, 11AUG, after lunch Rebecca & Raymond came to the house to pick up kids & have a slightly late b-day/BBQ dinner for Dan.

On 15AUG (Thursday) we had an electric garage door opener installed on the house garage.  Why now, eight years after house was built?  Because we never had a vehicle that fit.  You could barely get the old Toad, GMC Canyon, in - but hardly had room to walk in front of truck to get to the house door.  Now with new Toad we have plenty of room & don’t want to be bothered by manually opening the door (especially in the rain).

Saturday, 17AUG, was the Formisano’s (Rich & Jan) annual Riverwalk BBQ.  Each year they have the event at their house on the middle fork of the Snoqualmie River; inviting neighbors, family, friends, & in Rich’s case – Coast Guard Academy classmates (like Dan) living in the Seattle area.  They provide the BBQ & drinks, you are asked to bring a salad, side or dessert.  Unfortunately Corrie was under the weather & couldn’t make it.  (see below internet link for last year)

Monday, 19AUG, we drove the Fiesta (aka new Toad) to Burlington, WA, for installation of a towing base plate on the front, & modified electrically system for a supplemental brake system.  This is the third car/Toad we have had modified for towing behind the RV, & with each one it gets more & more complicated.  Not only are there fewer cars that can be flat towed (ie not on a dolly or trailer) but the modern electronics require extra caution.  On the Fiesta (the only small car automatic that can be flat towed without mods) you have to completely disconnect battery before towing.  This means all computer pre-sets (radio, sat nav, AC/heat, etc) are lostL!  On many cars you simply cannot flat tow (ie all four wheels down) the vehicle, not because of mechanical limitations, but because of electrical?

Wednesday AM back to Burlington, WA, w/RV to pick up Fiesta.  They did an excellent job, but Dan ended up standing in rain for 20 minutes trying to figure out all the differences & where electrical connections were?  Thankfully the mechanic eventually walked him thru the process & explained things that differed from old Toad; & we had an uneventful trip/tow home.

The rest of August was spent getting the RV & new Toad ready for a long trip SEP to NOV for Dan’s 45th Reunion of the Class of 1974, USCG Academy, in New London, CT, - along with Corrie trying to harvest & can all the veggies coming to ripeness!  In addition to:

---dog sitting Rebecca’s dog Gracie, so Raymond, kids & her could go camping on Second Beach, WA.

---installing WeatherTech floor liners in Fiesta.  We do this for all our cars & usually no problem?  But their trunk liner for the Fiesta wasn’t even close & we had to get one from Ford?

---taking Rocket our Jack Russell in for grooming – big mistake!

---getting & returning special car shield for the Fiesta.  Getting it back three days before our trip, & still having to make minor mods.

---siting a bobcat on the property sitting in one of Corrie’s flower beds looking for wascally wabbits.