grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Thursday, January 31, 2019

01-31JAN19 - Sultan, WA (🎆happy new year🎇)

Thursday, 03JAN, Corrie has been pretty sick ever since the start of the new year!  Because of this Dan drives by himself to the kids/grandkids house in east Bremerton.  This is for the family celebration of grandson Jaxson’s seventh birthday on Friday.  Shows how sick Corrie is, since she doesn’t even feel up to going!!!  Friday, 04JAN Jaxson’s b-day family celebration after school.  After the opening of presents, Dan drove back to the house, to assist Corrie.  This meant we missed the boys rock climbing on Sunday:(

Monday, 07JAN, good weather, and Cascade Fence finishes installing cedar fencing.  You may notice that fence posts are over six feet tall, but actual pickets are only three feet tall.  That’s because we will slowly be adding what is called hog panels to raise final height to six feet.  We like the look of this “design”; & it will deter deer, while allowing a view of our property outside the fence.

Friday, 11JAN, still windy; after dinner Raymond, Jaxson & Mason show up.  Saturday early AM Raymond heads to his Army Reserve drill in Yakima.  Later that day, Dan takes grandkids to snow park at Snoqualmie – no parking available.  After finding an unauthorized spot, the grandkids got to sled & while making Olafs (see below BLOG link for our last visit to Snoqualmie tubing area).  Then back to house for ninja line, swing, & playing w/dogs.  Sunday we take grandkids to ferry for return to their parents.

Monday, 14JAN, Corrie had to deal w/sick puppy Rocket while Dan was skiing.  When Dan returned that afternoon, it was off to the vet hospital in Kirkland.  Rocket’s symptoms were diarrhea, dehydration, & not eating.  Xrays showed small “somethings” in his bowels, but nothing definitive; even after being scoped.  So they kept him overnight; & we picked him up the next day.  Took him couple of days to get back to normal, but he is back to normal (if there is such a thing for a Jack Russell?)J!

Two items were big news on the local Seattle TV stations during the month:

1) Second driest JAN on record.  Of course it’s all relative if you live in Seattle!  Still pretty gray & dreary?

2) VIADOOM!  Or the permanent closure of Seattle’s infamous viaduct.  The viaduct is a two level highway that was built in the 50s, right along Seattle’s waterfront.  What was hailed then as a transportation wonder; was soon realized to be a blight upon the scenic waterfront, & cutoff the city from easy access to what is now a major & vibrate tourist attraction.  So after the Nisqually Earthquake it was decided to dig a tunnel replacement & teardown the viaduct; rather than repair/retrofit the viaduct.  So for three weeks the viaduct will be closed & its on/off ramps reconfigured to connect to the new tunnel.  That means 90,000 cars a day that used the viaduct will have to use surface streets – so everyone expects chaos or VIADOOM!

The rest of month was spent - working on fencing; working on garden shed extension; Dan skies 4 times; chain sawing downed alders from last month’s high winds; gardening; etc.