grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

01-31DEC19 - Sultan, WA (🎄🎆happy holidays🎇✨)

The first part of December was filled with lots of activities like xmas shopping, decorating the house, medical, visiting Dan’s cousin Steve & wife Bonnie, finding a service facility for the Mercedes RV, volunteering at Habitat for Humanity, house/garden maintenance, vehicle maintenance, etc.

Two events of note (other than xmas) was seeing son-in-law Raymond in his first jiu jitsu tournament.  And our 38th anniversary (19DEC) dinner at Heritage restaurant in Woodinville – highly recommend the pate, & the key lime pie in a jar.

Sunday AM, 22DEC, we catch the Kingston ferry for xmas at Rebecca, Raymond, Jaxson & Mason’s in east Bremerton.  After unpacking we start making Grinch cookies for the evening’s Grinch party organized by Mason.  Rebecca makes excellent stew for dinner; & after dinner was Grinch drink & Grinch cookies.  Rest of the evening was spent w/all the Pitres playing video games (including classic Mario Bros Kart?).

Monday we take Jaxson & Mason shopping for new bikes, followed by lunch at Mod Pizza, early evening off to Jui Jitsui practice, then more Mario game competition.  Tuesday not much done, building gingerbread houses & just counting down the hours to bed time so Santa can do his job.

Wednesday, 25DEC xmas, Rebecca’s traditional French toast for breakfast.  Then opening of way too many gifts; grandkids hop from one gift/game to another, to another.  Later Rebecca & Oma work on dinner (prime rib roast – very good); then everybody but grandkids veg-out for the rest of evening.

Thursday not much done, other than kids playing w/all their new gifts; Corrie even joins in playing Mario Bros; Rebecca has to go back to work in afternoon until 11PM.  Friday AM, 27DEC, we head to the ferry & back to our house to rest & recover.
Tuesday, new year’s eve, we once again show our age & follow our end of year celebration snack’ies for dinner (smoked salmon, charcuterie, cheeses, chips & dips, wings, jalapeno poppers); & then early to bed hoping the neighborhood fireworks don’t set the dogs offL

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Saturday, November 30, 2019

15-30NOV19 - Sultan, WA

Friday morning, 15NOV, we get back on I-5N to finish the drive back to our house outside Sultan, WA.  Of course the final day of driving was in the rain after great weather since leaving Louisiana; 208 miles driven in four hours.

Saturday & Sunday Corrie runs errands, tends to garden & partially empties RV.  Dan tries mowing overgrown wet lawn w/o much success, washes RV & Toad, empties all the cargo holds & overhead cab of RV so that RV can be parked in shop/RV building.  Monday, 18NOV, more rain – apparently we missed the unusual dry first two weeks of November?

The rest of November seemed to be nothing but unending rain, & the yard never drained or dried outL  Not much accomplished other than errands, medical & dental appointments, trying to get educated on new RV, gardening, volunteering at Habitat for Humanity, etc.  But there were two other events of note during the month:

First on Thursday, 21NOV, Dan had lunch with 9 of his classmates from US Coast Guard Academy class of 1974.  Over the last few years Dan & other classmates that live within driving distance of Seattle (sometimes individuals drive up from Oregon) informally get together for impromptu lunches (see below link for last luncheon).  This time lunch and reminiscing (aka lying) was at Scotts Bar & Grill in Edmonds (recommended).

Next event, was Tuesday, 26NOV, catching the Kingston ferry to visit kids & grandkids for turkey day.  That evening was the decoration of their Xmas tree.

Wednesday Corrie & Rebecca prep’ed house & commenced cooking for an early turkey day dinner.  Like last year Rebecca’s work schedule conflicts with Thanksgiving day mealL  Early that afternoon Dan heads to Kingston ferry to pick up his niece Marisa & her sons, Jaxson & Eli, who will join us for the early thanksgiving dinner.

After recovering from an excellent dinner, we play bingo & then just veg out; while younger kids play beyblades.  Thursday (turkey day) Rebecca heads to work & not much done.  Later that morning Dan takes Marisa & boys back to ferry; leftovers for dinner.

Friday morning Corrie does some black Friday shopping & then back to ferry & home.