grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Saturday, March 31, 2018

01-31MAR18 - Sultan, WA

Saturday, 03MAR, Rebecca, kids & Dan head to Marymoor Park in Redmond to hike part of the East Lake Sammamish Trail & then play at the Park playground.  The trail is on an old RR line that ran right on the lakeshore, on the east side of Lake Sammamish.  Over 40 years ago teenagers would park on the road shoulder & hike down to the RR property to swim & other activitiesJ   In fact Dan has a picture from mid-70s when he & his brothers were at one of those spots.

Friday, 09MAR, afternoon/evening Rebecca, Jaxson, Mason & Dan go skiing.  This time both kids got ski lessons & while the adults enjoyed the slopes.

Sunday, 11MAR, Dan took the grandkids to the Reptile Zoo outside of Monroe, WA.  The zoo is located on US2; & we have been driving by it every time we run into Monroe for errands or medical appointments.  Although small, Dan thought it was pretty good, & was pleased to find out that all reptiles are rescued or donated by owner’s who no longer want them.  From there it was off to the Monroe skate park & playground on Lake Tye.

Tuesday, 13MAR, was an evening science fair at Jaxson’s school.  Most of the play/experiment stations didn’t really challenge the kids to understand the scientific “principle”, but still more educational than playing ring toss, or throwing darts at balloons.

Saturday (St Pattie Day) Jaxson was sick, so Dan took grandson Mason into Seattle Center for their Irish Festal’ sponsored by Seattle Irish Heritage Club.  We started at the “Artist’s at Play” playground, that we try to visit w/grandkids anytime we are in the area.  Next was the Armory for food, Irish entertainment, & kid’s activities.  From the Center it was off to the playground at Volunteer Park.

After being stranded for one day overseas, Raymond makes it home from his job on the 21st.  Sunday, 25MAR, is the first “easter” event, this one is at grandson Mason’s pre-school “Little Doves”.
Monday evening Rebecca & Raymond leave for job interview, leaving kids with us.  Although he is making good money working overseas, they have decided the extended family separations are not worth it.

Tuesday, 27MAR, Dan headed into Seattle for luncheon with several of his classmates from the USCG Academy.  (Note – exactly one year ago there was the very same luncheon, at the same location.  Last year 11 guys made it, this year 15!)  That evening Rebecca & Raymond return.

Friday morning, 30MAR, Dan has unplanned appointment with an endodontist.  Turns out he has an infection in mouth that is old root canal that is infected & needs to be removed & redoneL  The specialist drills out old root canal, treats area to kill infection, & temporarily fills canal to allow time for clearing of all the infection.  Dan will come back in two months; & if infection 100% cleared, a new root canal will be installed?  That evening the grandkids decorated easter eggs.

Saturday morning it was into Sultan for the community easter egg hunt.