grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Thursday, November 30, 2017

01-30NOV17 - Sultan, WA

November was a quiet month for us; but there was the sad passing of Dan’s aunt Jan Peters on 08NOV, with her funeral on the 16th.  Her death so closely following the unexpected death of her son John in July, has made this a very sad year for the Peters family, & their family & friends.

The rest of November was filled w/various odds & ends:

The typical dreary Pacific NW weather (mostly rain) for November also included a day of early snow on 03NOV.  Rebecca, Jaxson, Mason & Oma even headed to Stevens Pass on the 6th to play in the snow.  Dan tried to make the best of it by going to Stevens pass for skiing on the 20th; but finds the snow too wet & heavy, & goes home after one hour (thank goodness for a season pass).

On the 10NOV grandson Jaxson lost the first two of his “baby” teeth.

Even though the eighteenth was not the best weather, we headed to Seattle’s Golden Gardens for a “beach” fire.  Back in the day this was favorite activity of Seattle teens (often involving underage drinking).  From there it was off to the Ballard Locks to see if any salmon were migrating thru the fish ladder.

On Thanksgiving we made a morning trip to Snoqualmie Falls to view the record water tumbling over the falls.  Due to high winds the spray was blowing straight up the cliff drenching the viewing area.  Later in the day was a great turkey dinner prepared by Corrie & Rebecca.

The evening of the 26th was the town of Monroe’s tree lighting ceremony.

We ended the month with the building of gingerbread houses.