grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Saturday, September 30, 2017

01-30SEP17 - Sultan, WA (family gathering)

Friday, 01SEP, Rebecca & Dan headed to the SkiBonkers sale at Sturtevants Sports.  This is the same annual ski/board sale that Dan got his equipment at last year.  Rebecca also purchased skis, boots & bindings.

That evening we headed into Seattle for dinner at Cutter Crab.  This was impromptu gathering of some of Dan’s Coast Guard Academy classmates.  Turns out Rusty Johnson, wife & son had been following Lewis & Clark’s route, ending in Oregon.  They then decided see if any classmates & spouses could join them for dinner in Seattle, before they flew back east.  Extra bonus was Rusty bought dinnerJ!

Sunday, 03SEP, was the annual neighborhood potluck sponsored by Marta & Hans Dankers.  The last one was 28AUG16 (see BLOG link below).  Rebecca & grandkids also attended; the grandkids really enjoyed the “farm” animals.

Saturday AM, 09SEP, Rebecca & grandkids headed to Canada to pick up daddy Raymond at the Vancouver, BC, airport.  Later that day we headed to Dan’s classmate Rich & wife Jan Formisano for their annual River Walk potluck for friends, neighbors & Coast Guard shipmates.  The last one was 20AUG16 (see below BLOG link).  Another good time, but this time Corrie didn’t join the crowd crossing the river.

Sunday Rebecca & the kids returned from Canada w/daddy Raymond.  The next day Jaxson was off to his first public school for kindergarten.  Mason was very sad; but on Tuesday was much happier when he was off to pre-school.

Then on Wednesday, 13SEP, Rebecca, Raymond & kids took-off for Victoria, BC, for a week long family vacation.  Returning on 19SEP.

On the spur of the moment we decided to fly son Joe from Louisiana to Seattle, & on 20SEP.  So late that night Dan drove into Seattle to pick him up.

Saturday, 23SEP, we celebrated Mason’s fourth birthday (actual b-day is the 24th).  First was breakfast at the Sultan bakery.  Then we drove to Seattle’s Alki Beach to look for beach glass.  For lunch almost everyone picked a different food place for take out & we met back for lunch on beach.  Then it was back to the house for cake & presents.  Finally, Rebecca, Raymond, Joe & kids headed for Canada so Raymond can fly out tomorrow back to his job in Kuwait.  Rebecca, Joe & kids returned to the house on Sunday.

The rest of the month was spent w/Joe helping Dan w/bigger house & property projects where we needed assistance.  Rebecca & Joe also got in some hiking trips, before he departed on the 30thL

Note - another "record" was broken for Seattle area weather.  In July, August, & September we ate every dinner al fresco on our deck:)!