grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Sunday, April 30, 2017

01-30APR17 - Sultan, WA (corrie "visits" houma, la)

We started the month of April on Saturday, 01APR, by heading to Aunt Madeline’s to help cousin Bob, cousin Ron, & cousin Sheila (plus beau Alan) try & repair Madeline’s main waterline leak.  Unfortunately we only knew where the end points were (the water meter, & house shut-off).  This left two hundred feet of line possibly under a very steep, narrow, concrete drivewayL?  After six hours of digging; trying to figure out Uncle Bob’s “thoughts” on how waterline was run; fighting tree roots & hardpan clay; & playing in the mud; we determined that the leak is most likely under the concrete driveway.  More fun to follow?

A couple of days later everyone (but Dan) got back together & luckily discovered that the waterline was in “conduit” under the drivewayJ  They were then able to pull the old plastic pipe out, & install new pipe without digging up half the driveway.  (NOTE – everyone was so impressed w/Dan’s work ethic, that he was not invited back for the follow-up work party?)

Still lots of snow in the mountains, with reasonable weather.  So Dan went skiing on 09APR & 16APR (easter).  In fact, Dan decided to cut down his skiing costs for next year by purchasing a discount season pass for next year.  If he had purchased his pass a few weeks earlier, he could have skied most of March & all of April for free!

Tuesday, 18APR, Corrie flew back to help Rebecca w/the kids (Jaxson & Mason) back in Houma, LA.  As we have mentioned husband Raymond is now working overseas; & they have decided to sell their house & move out of Louisiana.  The plan is for Rebecca & kids to join us in Washington until the family can re-unite.  So Corrie is flying back for about a week to help prepare the house for the move, & lend a hand when the two boys are on spring break from pre-school/daycare.  (It also turns out that Mason will now have his tonsils/adenoids removed during this time!)  They even find time to see the Blue Angel air show. On the 25th she returned back to the wet/cold Pacific NW.