grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Monday, January 30, 2017

01-22JAN17 - Houma, LA

Sunday, 01JAN, we started off the New Year by taking down the xmas decorations & tree.  Followed by the traditional Cajun new year day meal of black eye peas & cabbage.  Wednesday, 04JAN, was Jaxson’s official b-day; Uncle Joe came over & we all headed to Chuck E Cheese for dinner & games (like last year).  Then it was back to the house for cupcakes & to open presents.

Saturday, 07JAN, was Jaxson “second” birthday with a party at local gymnastics gym (like last year) for his friends.

Sunday, 15JAN, Rebecca & Dan took Jaxson & Mason to the New Orleans zoo.  Corrie was feeling ill & stayed home.  Note – up to this point in the month everyone in house (except Rebecca) has been sick at different times; even Dan who rarely gets sick.  While at the zoo we were able to buy some taffy from the locally famous Roman Chewing Candy cart.

Tuesday, 17JAN, around lunch time we fired-up the RV & headed to Dixie RV in Hammond, LA, to have our propane furnace looked at.  During the last cold spell in Houma that there was an intermittent loud squeal, like a bad bearing.  That evening was an unusual & excellent dinner at Jacmel Inn that Dan discovered on the internet.  Wednesday morning we headed to Dixie RV to have the propane furnace trouble-shot.  After running several hours, the noise cannot be recreated; so we drove back to Rebecca & Raymond’s driveway.

Not much else happened during this, but we did go out for first crawfish of the season.  For most of the meal grandson Mason played with (& talked to) the discarded crawfish heads.  It was highly amusing to watch (& listen to)J!