grandson jaxson

grandson jaxson
grandson jaxson

granddaughter coraline

granddaughter coraline
granddaughter coraline

grandson mason

grandson mason
grandson mason

Saturday, November 30, 2013

01-28NOV13 - Houma, LA (an unfortunate passing)

Friday morning, 01NOV, Dan loaded the quad ATV used to haul the kids around on Halloween night onto the trailer along with the hay bales. Then we hooked it up to the Toad & returned everything to Beanie’s. After that we then moved the RV back over to Rebecca & Raymond’s driveway.
Our intentions were to spend most of November not doing much, except for preparing for Thanksgiving & starting Xmas shopping. So on Tuesday, 12NOV, we departed Houma for a short RV trip to Memphis, TN. Sadly after a few hours on the road we received a phone call that Dan’s youngest brother, Gary James Ryan, had passed away in his sleep in the Seattle area. Sorrowfully we turned around & returned to Houma, where Dan assisted via long distance his other brother, Shawn Ryan also in the Seattle area, with the final arrangements for Gary.

Because of substance abuse Gary was basically a hermit & refused to interact with the family or friends for the last five years or so; therefore his siblings (Dan, Shawn & sister, Sharon) decided there would be no wake or ceremony at this time, but there would be a family remembrance some time during the summer of 2014. For over five years we have tried to re-establish a family connection with Gary; despite our efforts we were only successful in meeting him once for lunch during that time.

As Gary’s brother Shawn wrote – “I would like everybody to know that Gary and how fragile he was shows us that what we have now is so important, and is in front of us and surrounds us. Let’s take this time to realize what we have, say I love you, and appreciate the things that are really important in this life.” We truly believe he is in a far better place, & will no longer have to fight the demons he battled for so long!
After this sad event, we decided to remain in Houma until at least Thanksgiving. During that time we:

---did some final finish work on Joe’s shop/shed

---Corrie & Rebecca went to the local crafts fair

---Dan & Rebecca often went bike riding, sometimes with Jaxson on the back of Rebecca’s bike
---dealing with various family members being ill (including grandkids Jaxson & Mason)

---many family meals both at Rebecca & Raymond’s, or Joe & Tasha’s; including great BBQ pulled pork prepared by Joe for family & friends

---Dan undergoing another annual colonoscopy; once again nothing found & now Dan can go five years until the next one:)!!!

---starting Xmas shopping

---the anti-theft interlock on the Toad failed; according to the internet this a very common problem on Canyons but there is not one complaint about it on the NHTSA website

---Dan replaced fan motor for the RV bathroom, & the solar panel for the refrigerator exhaust fan

---Saturday, 16NOV, headed to Parola Philippine Restaurant for buffet & karaoke

---the RV toilet broke & we spent most of Monday, 18NOV, making a temporary repair (not pretty)

---Corrie helps Joe & Tasha finish a dining table that Joe built using an antique door (he did a great job!)
---Wednesday, 20NOV, we moved the RV to Joe & Tasha’s in preparation for his scheduled shoulder operation & recovery, & to help with the turkey day meal Tasha had volunteered to prepare

---on the morning of 21NOV Joe had out patient arthroscopic surgery on his left shoulder
---trying Vietnamese food at the new restaurant White Bowl in Houma

---now & then babysitting one or both of the grandkids
---Tuesday, 26NOV, we took Jaxson shopping at the new Cosco in New Orleans; the look on his face as he tried some of the free food samples was priceless

This year for Thanksgiving it was decided that the family meal would be at Joe & Tasha’s. Although Tasha was prepared to cook the entire meal, Corrie & Rebecca also assisted by preparing some of the side dishes & desserts. After a delicious meal, Joe started a fire & everyone found a seat to relax-in. Then the “kids” start playing an older video game – Mario Bros. Just like twenty years ago the same arguments occurred about who wasn’t playing fair. Next was a slightly older game – Yahtzee. Eventually Corrie decided to go shopping now that almost every store has started Black Friday shopping early. Tomorrow we will try for short RV jaunt to Memphis, TN.